Asia Comic

Asia Comic


What must be this century’s most sensational scientific discovery -a true quantum leap in management!


Asia comics is the place where they all meet. The poorly prepared/small/medium-sized entrepreneurs who have so far slept through any Asian boom,the local partners with their ever present smile,the smart and pushy consultants,the foreign and experts hungry for projects,the journalists always on the lookōut for the human rights angle in a story,and last but not least,the often-maligned guys in charge of the Asia desk at the head office.


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Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, Germany, British Library, Oriental and India Office Collection, Philatelic- and Printed Books section, London. Eutiner Landesbibliothek, Germany, Galerie an der Schnirn, Frankfurt, Germany, Gallery of Prints, Rudolf Lietz, Philippine, KITLV Bibliothek, Leiden University, The Netherlands, Lim Kheng Chye’s Collection at the National Archives, Singapore, National History Museum Singapore, National Library Indonesia, National Archives of Singapore, Tropenmuseum Amsterdam, The Netherlands, St. Louis art Museum, Missouri, USA, Royal Commenwealth Society, Cambridge University Library, Royal Treasures Fine Antiques Grand Hyatt Galleria, Jakarta, Indonesia, Dhama Mulia Fine Antiques, Jakarta, Indonesia, University of Witwaterstrand Library, South Africa, Wattis Fine Art, Hongkong, Collection of D. Parry, Collection of Geoff Edwards, Historical Archives of FIAT, Historical Archives of Siemens AG generously allowed the reproduction of their materials.
